We got our own Super Bowl ad!
Since we spentgood time last week coaching really sophisticated research scientists helping them to make their science accessible to important audiences, we were thrilled that Quicken Loans
Our blog posts offer a rich gathering of insights, tips and suggestions designed to help you become more polished, more influential and more impactful in how you communicate with others. Skim to a title that strikes your interests or needs. And come back often because we are serious keeping it fresh and useful for storytellers everywhere.
Since we spentgood time last week coaching really sophisticated research scientists helping them to make their science accessible to important audiences, we were thrilled that Quicken Loans
As we approach rehearsal day for a TED-style event, without fail the client asks, “Are you worried about any of the speakers?” We’ve coached hundreds of
This blog is in our series of coaching reflections, where we pick an experience while working with a client in public speaking, keynote talks, TED-Like talks,
First, a quick refresher on the classic tale. Goldilocks, after breaking and entering into the empty home of The Three Bears, proceeds to eat the
In our classes, we often ask: Who gave the most important vision speech in U.S. history? Someone has always answered: MLK’s “I have a Dream.”
What’s in store for 2018. (Alas, we are back on the blog after a little hiatus!) Two minutes of updates about how we have improved
Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!
I attended the TEDSummit 2016 conference in Banff, Alberta, Canada, listening to an array of provocative speakers for four days. The proliferation of compelling ideas, experiences,
link: <iframe src=”//www.slideshare.net/slideshow/embed_code/key/4wYbijy4aPRnRG” width=”595″ height=”485″ frameborder=”0″ marginwidth=”0″ marginheight=”0″ scrolling=”no” style=”border:1px solid #CCC; border-width:1px; margin-bottom:5px; max-width: 100%;” allowfullscreen> </iframe> <div style=”margin-bottom:5px”> <strong> <a
With the new site officially live today, I wanted to let my clients, friends, partners and colleagues know of exciting developments that I am making at Articulation in
Wow, what a way to start the year. I didn’t take my own advice. Mid way through a recent assignment (an event featuring 5 different
Last night I coached a young woman who was being interviewed later this week for a $250,000 full ride scholarship to the college of her
These are calls I’ve gotten recently from clients, concerned about performances of some of their key women. “She is fine when she’s one-on-one with colleagues,
The City of Columbus asked me to host a roundtable discussion on the city’s culture and how it informs us as an intelligent community for
This month I’ve been asked twice to orient / train / tell / brief people on how to coach speakers inside their companies. I’ve struggled
It was five years ago this last winter that I applied for one of the first TEDx licenses. And apparently, I’m one of the few crazy
I just returned from Dallas and an annual conference for the 250 HR professionals within the Alliance Data family which includes Alliance Retail, Epsilon and
In Columbus, we have an awesome business (mainly tech) accelerator called 10x. I was invited to help these 10 companies prepare their final presentations/ demonstrations
the motivated speaker
six principles to unlock your communication potential
In this book you will discover the six essential threshold concepts needed to give talks like the best TED speakers and Fortune 500 leaders.
The book will deliver May 2025.
Stay tuned for the launch!