Here’s where you’ll find insight into how we think and work, how we look and sound, and the tools we deploy to bring your goals to life. Our blog stretches way back, so you might want to peruse the list to see what strikes your interests or needs. Our videos offer a glimpse of several of our coaches — as well as insights into our methods. And when you do work with us, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with our Resource Toolbox to make working with us that much easier.


Our blog posts offer a rich gathering of insights, tips and suggestions designed to help you become more polished, more influential and more impactful in how you communicate with others. Skim to a title that strikes your interests or needs. And come back often because we are serious keeping it fresh and useful for storytellers everywhere.

How Speaker Coaching Can Level-Up a Conference

Speaker coaching support for your conference can go a very long way. Learn how one conference, Women in Analytics, learned they can level-up their conference when they support speakers in a manner that will not only distinguish the conference, but all of the speakers who present at it.

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How Not to Give Feedback

Our founder and executive communication coach Ruth Milligan reflects on a time she made a massive mistake, breaking one of her own rules. She gave feedback to a speaker who didn’t request it.

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MLK and Storytelling: The Most Important Vision Talk Ever Communicated

On this blog where we only talk about storytelling, communications, presentations, speeches, talks, influence and more – the only appropriate post for today is MLK’s I Have a Dream speech. No one until that moment or after has delivered a more significant, consequential and memorable talk. Arguably the most important vision talk ever communicated.

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the motivated speaker

six principles to unlock your communication potential

In this book you will discover the six essential threshold concepts needed to give talks like the best TED speakers and Fortune 500 leaders.

The book will deliver May 2025.
Stay tuned for the launch!