the motivated speaker
six principles to unlock your communication potential
In this book you will discover the six essential threshold concepts needed to give talks like the best TED speakers and Fortune 500 leaders.
The book will deliver May 2025.
Stay tuned for the launch!
The Talk of my Life
At Prosper!, the Dames Bond conference last week, I was asked to give a TED-like talk entitled “In my own words.” I chose the subject of answering the call – however it might come – and eventually calling upon yourself to recognize your true interests and strengths and pursue them. I’m not usually one for motivational-type speeches (giving or hearing them), so I did what I know best – I picked three stories in my past that lead me to how I’m living out my passion today. And this represents the first time that I come out publicly that (egads!) I was quite a mediocre student growing up. But I wouldn’t re-write that part as it opened doors, er had calls, I wouldn’t normally have had.