Here’s where you’ll find insight into how we think and work, how we look and sound, and the tools we deploy to bring your goals to life. Our blog stretches way back, so you might want to peruse the list to see what strikes your interests or needs. Our videos offer a glimpse of several of our coaches — as well as insights into our methods. And when you do work with us, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with our Resource Toolbox to make working with us that much easier.


Our blog posts offer a rich gathering of insights, tips and suggestions designed to help you become more polished, more influential and more impactful in how you communicate with others. Skim to a title that strikes your interests or needs. And come back often because we are serious keeping it fresh and useful for storytellers everywhere.

The Coaches’ Coach

My normal client is the person or team that wants to up their game in their critical thinking, storytelling and/or presentation skills.  Last week I

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The problem with the panel

Let me thank the panelists from last week’s Women and Marketing event at TECHColumbus :Joan Manter,Nancy Bohman,Amy Marshall and Padma Sastry.  I won’t repeat the content of

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For someone who has gotten rid of regular TV in the last six months, syndication has new meaning to me: the ability to have your

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Elevators rarely get stuck.

Great critical thinking, provocative storytelling, clear governing thought and memorable supporting points.  All in 60 seconds.  It can be done!! How so? Listen here (

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What’s your hook?

Late last year when we started paying close attention to good opening hooks, we started noting those TED talks that had particularly good ones. In this 3

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The heavy lifting is yours

A client engaged us recently to architect a brand-new signature presentation. So we got out our very sophisticated tools:  some markers, flip charts and a

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Hook ’em.

Everyone has their pet peeves.  I have my pet loves.  Among them, really awesome opening hooks.  As in, how do you grab your audience from

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A Family Affair

Make no mistake about it, presentations and public speaking is in my blood.   I’ll just caption these two images to demonstrate my point. Exactly

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Bullets are for guns.

I was at a meeting recently with a local township official, and when I asked about what highlights we should know about his community, he

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One Keynote, Five Parts.

Experience Columbus, our travel and tourism bureau, invited articulation to help curate their “keynote address” for their annual meeting.  These five dynamic people pictured above

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Live from the Desert.

To kick off this year’s TEDActive conference in Palm Springs, the TED staff held a special workshop day for TEDx organizers. I gave a brief presentation

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