Lessons from the Front Row: What not to do in your TEDx talk

It was five years ago this last winter that I applied for one of the first TEDx licenses. And apparently, I’m one of the few crazy enough get a 6th consecutive one.  Our event has grown both in size and maturity, and it’s become a well anticipated event in Columbus each fall. As we began choosing our speakers this year,

Lessons from the Front Row: What not to do in your TEDx talk Read More »

The alternative to a disconnected, canned, paid Keynote speaker

I just returned from Dallas and an annual conference for the 250 HR professionals within the Alliance Data family  which includes Alliance Retail, Epsilon and Loyalty One Companies. I was invited to curate, coach and host a session called “Perspectives” involving 8 speakers (all associates within the enterprise) for the last day of the conference.

The alternative to a disconnected, canned, paid Keynote speaker Read More »

Tools of the Trade

Rose Smith, during her highly provocative poetry performance at TEDxColumbus, challenged us all to betools. You know, as in a conduit for helping others, making change or doing good. While my tip this month isn’t as deep, her challenge made me think about the tools that the speakers used during TEDxColumbus in their variety of preparation pathways (and

Tools of the Trade Read More »


the motivated speaker

six principles to unlock your communication potential

In this book you will discover the six essential threshold concepts needed to give talks like the best TED speakers and Fortune 500 leaders.

The book will deliver May 2025.
Stay tuned for the launch!