Ohio State Puts Culture of Innovation in the Spotlight with TED-inspired Event

It’s true… inquiring minds do want to know.

On April 24, over 150 people gathered at The Ohio State University in celebration of research and inquiry.  The Ohio State Research & Innovation Showcase was part of the OSU Innovator of the Year Awards Event. While the event has been held previously, it’s the first time the nominees each presented a short TED-like talk. And Articulation was called in to help.

Coaches Ruth Milligan and Acacia Duncan coached the speakers using our Transforming Talks process, which includes three coaching sessions and a rehearsal. Transforming Talks is a proven platform and development tool for showcasing any organization’s breakthrough ideas and talent by leveraging the TED-style approach.

TED is the established leader and premier platform for presenting important ideas through exceptional storytellers. Not surprising, many people want to replicate that kind of experience but don’t know how.  Transforming Talks takes years of experience in training, coaching and event curation in TED-style presenting and makes it available to organizations interested in creating in-house and content-specific talks.

Six inspiring speakers at The Research and Innovation Showcase included:


“Leading by Learning”
Shahid Nimjee, MD, PhD

The Ohio State University
Associate Professor

Shahid Nimjee is an Associate Professor in the Department of Neurological Surgery with appointments in the Departments of Radiology and Neuroscience, and at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. His research focuses on exploiting the properties of RNA biology to better diagnose and treat thromboembolic disease as it pertains to cerebrovascular neurosurgery.


“Science Access: Making Space for All”
Anna Voelker

The Ohio State University
Astronomy Accessibility Program Coordinator

Anna Voelker received her BS in science communication and accessibility from Ohio State in 2018. She is currently the Coordinator of Ohio State’s Astronomy Accessibility Program and Chair of the Astronomers Without Borders Accessibility and Inclusion Working Group. She is the Director of SciAccess, a conference dedicated to promoting disability inclusion and diversity in STEAM.


“Diversity: Making Life Better”
Matthew Sullivan, PhD
The Ohio State University

Matthew Sullivan is a Professor in the Department of Microbiology and in the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geodetic Engineering. He has pioneered viral ecogenomics as a means to study viruses in complex communities.


“Dancing with the Unexpected”
Harmony Bench, PhD
The Ohio State University
Associate Professor

Harmony Bench is an Associate Professor in the Department of Dance. Her research centers on encounters between bodies and machine or media technologies. She particularly focuses on how human bodies and technological devices are imagined in relation to each other, and how technologies facilitate the circulation and transmission of movements, gestures and even bodily schema.


“Confronting Global Challenges through Local Collaboration”
Forrest Schoessow

Forrest Schoessow is pursuing a doctorate in geography at The Ohio State University and directs the Mountain Drone Team at the Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center. His research focus is on advancing scientific understanding of glaciers as water resources and hazards in a rapidly changing world through the development of custom sensors and unmanned aerial systems.


“Dare Mighty Things
B. Scott Gaudi, PhD

The Ohio State University
Thomas Jefferson Professor for Discovery and Space Exploration

B. Scott Gaudi is the Thomas Jefferson Professor for Discovery and Space Exploration, and Professor and Vice Chair of The Ohio State University Department of Astronomy. His research focuses on the search for and characterization of planets orbiting other stars (exoplanets).


To learn more about Articulation’s Transforming Talks offering, read this case study about another Ohio State event– Masterminds.

Ready to hone your public speaking and presentation style? Register for our next class– the Executive Style and Delivery Workshop on June 7. Get the details here.


the motivated speaker

six principles to unlock your communication potential

In this book you will discover the six essential threshold concepts needed to give talks like the best TED speakers and Fortune 500 leaders.

The book will deliver May 2025.
Stay tuned for the launch!